“Will To Heal” Song Released In Malaysia


Malaysia 08 Oktober 2024, radarindonesia.com


The song “Will to Heal” was first sung by Titiek Puspa (an Indonesian Diva) in 2014. It was later performed by Thai celebrity Beam Voranan, a descendant of King Rama IV, supporting the 2018 Asian Para Games.


Over time, “Will to Heal” has been performed by singers from various countries. They are Titiek Puspa,Senator Ras Adiba , Inara, Beam, Ryo, Yukina, Joen So Young, Boon Keng and Purwa Caraka is the music arrenger and Jaythanel Sutrisno and Jadrianna Sutrisno as violinist.


“I am so happy to release the song Will to Heal with 17 Malaysian Paralympic athletes participating in the Paris 2024 Paralympics, all by God’s will,” said Natalia Tjahja, founder of the Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation and also the composer and songwritter of Will to Heal.


The Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation has been collaborating with Malaysia’s National Sports Council (Majlis Sukan Negara Malaysia) since 2019 through an Asian Paralympic legacy project, the non-profit movie Boccia.


“I witnessed Natalia’s tireless efforts for the Paralympics, always working for the happiness of the Paralympic athletes,” said Tunku Maziah, the Kedah royal family, who also gave a speech at the event.


This extraordinary event was held at Pusat Kecemerlangan Sukan Paralimpik Malaysia on October 8, 2024, and began with attendees singing Malaysia’s national anthem, “Negaraku”.


Natalia presented the book ‘The Beautiful Journey True Story of My Maria Monique’ to Majlis Sukan Negara Malaysia ( MSN) , while MSN, represented by Pengarah Bahagian Para , Mohd Sofian Hamzah, presented a plaque of appreciation to Natalia.


This joyful event was also blessed by Kepala Pengarah MSN, Abdul Rashid Yaakub.


“I invited Nagaswara owner, Christian Kertawiguna, to participate. Andrigo, the singer of the hit song Isabella, entertained the guests at the event,” added Natalia.


Natalia also expressed her gratitude to  “Cloudera Indonesia and RIP Erwin Sukiato and Retachar YMM Last Wish (Christian Kertawiguna, Daniella R Citra, Warren G Sebastian, and Darren Zhang) for participating in this event.


The Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation has talented young figures who are involved in charity work globally. They are Retachar YMM Last Wish, located in various countries.


“Together with SDSC (Singapore Disability Sports Council), we will reunite with Singaporean athletes participating in the Paris 2024 Paralympics soon. We will also release song ‘Will to Heal’ in Singapore,”said Natalia.

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