With Gemma, Maria Monique  Last Wish Foundation  Creates a Legacy For The World


Jakarta, 23 Oktober 2024,radarindonesia.com


This is the first time Gemma Rose Foo has come to Indonesia on October 23, 2024 and she walked the red carpet at the opening of Jakarta Film Week.


Singaporean Gemma Rose Foo is the best para equestrian  team in Asia.


She also part of in Paris Paralympics.

The Jakarta Film Week red carpet event began with Abang and Miss Jakarta then followed by the founders of Jakarta Film Week, Andy Pulung and Rina Damayanti (President of Jakarta Film Week), followed by the international festival judges, followed by the film actors and producers of the film ” Sampai Jumpa Selamat Tinggal” , and the closing was Natalia Tjahja and Gemma who both gave a heart sign like what Korean actor Ji Chang Wook often does.


“This is probably the first in the world and Gemma is the first paralympic athlete to walk the red carpet at a film festival. And this is one of the charity programs of the Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation. Creating a legacy for the paralympic world and the world of film festivals,” said Natalia, founder of the Maria Monique Last Wish Foundation (YMM Last Wish).


“This program could not have been realized without the kindness of Mr. Andy Pulung, founder of Jakarta Film Week and Mrs. Rina Damayanti who is also the President of Jakarta Film Week 2024.” said Natalia again.


“Mr. Pulung was the one who guided me from not being able to turn on the computer to making films showing at the CGV Grand Indonesia cinema and God’s miracle, these films were shown and released together with cinema owners abroad,” said Natalia who is also the director and producer of the non-profit film Movie Boccia.


And the 16th charity program from YMM Last Wish is entitled “The Beautiful Journeys of Paralympic & Film Festival”, where Paralympic athletes receive an official invitation from the President of the film festival and they meet directly with filmmakers and also film actors and walk the red carpet with them.


This charity program was the idea of ​​Natalia Tjahja and was welcomed and supported by Andy Pulung and Rina Damayanti, and in its development the charity program was supported by Magjen Osoth Bhavilai (President of the ASEAN Para Sports Federation) and Dr Wandee Tosuwan (Secretary General of the ASEAN Para Sports Federation). Siti Marifah also supports this program.


“I prayed to God to open the way and choose the first Paralympic athlete to walk the red carpet of Jakarta Film Week, and God chose Gemma Rose Foo.


Kelly Fan, executive director of the Singapore Disability Sports Council, has a noble heart and support Natalia. Kelly Fan immediately agreed to send Gemma Rose Foo and Lu Ting Chiara (Kelly Fan’s representative ) to Jakarta.


“God’s plan and God’s time feel beautiful if we obey God,” said Natalia, founder of YMM Last Wish.


And the talented teenagers with charity YMM Lastwish (Retachar) also supported this event. They are siblings Jaythaneal Sutrisno and Jadrianna Sutrisno from Rumah Inovasi, Sydney Ariana Tan, Daniella R Citra, Darren Zhang, Warren G Sebastian and Citta Ramli.


“I thank Cloudera Indonesia and RIP Erwin Sukiato ” said Natalia

Gemma was very happy that night. She  felt walking on the red carpet representing all paralympic athletes around the world and she also had the chance to meet a very humble Indonesian actor, Jerome Kurnia at the event.


The wife of the Singaporean ambassador Pearl Kwok was also present with Rita Pusponegoro to give support to Gemma.


“I love all paralympic athletes and I really appreciate Gemma’s struggle who has cerebral palsy and went through a tiring journey from Singapore to Jakarta directly to the Jakarta Film Week event, but she still smiled and was happy. Together with Gemma, YMM Last Wish made a legacy for the world,” said Natalia, shedding tears.

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